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Well Check This Out.😎. Are you interested in the Law of Attraction?

Writer's picture: T.Hudson The Angelic One LLCT.Hudson The Angelic One LLC

Updated: Jul 21, 2023

Then you are probably enthusiastic about manifesting more money into your life. The desire to manifest an abundance of wealth is such a common thing among people.  However many are tripped up by their attention to lack what they don’t have. This focus on worry and fear of not having enough money, only attracts more of the same! What you want to do is learn how to change the way you think to a prosperous mindset.  The one that is tuned in vibrationally to a steady stream of glorious income. When you do that deliberately you will start to notice feedback from the universe.  Little ways in which the cosmos speaks to you, showing you that you are on the right path to abundance. To live in a state of positive expectation, means practicing the kind of mindset that reaffirms positive thinking.  You might need to take some time to change your habitual thoughts and identify where you perhaps tend to reaffirm lack and scarcity without even realizing it. Many people have grown up thinking that- 1) You have to work your fingers to the bone before you can obtain great wealth. 2) Desiring money is bad, selfish and greedy. Money is the root of all evil etc. The fact is that with the Law of Attraction, you do not have to work yourself into the ground to receive riches. The universe deals in vibrations, the energy that you are personally fuelling your actions, thoughts and words with, not your blood, sweat and tears. Of course hard work is great, but only if you are passionate, inspired and moving through your day-to-day tasks with a sense of excitement and expectation for positive results. If you are working hard but you feel miserable, resentful and cannot help but notice you are still broke the whole time.  Well you’re not ever going to move into a rich mindset that promotes the flow of money. You have to move away from that habit that keeps you justifying why you don’t have the income you want, and think beyond it. A desire for money is no bad thing! Remind yourself of this and allow yourself to feel worthy of the things that money can buy. Freedom, travel, more time, helping others, new fun experiences. It is important to remember that money is not evil.  Money is part of life and wanting it does not make you a bad person or any less spiritual. When your desires come from a pure place of positivity, anything is possible. Our lives are the sum of a consistent way of thought. You ask for what you want out of your own unique experiences. You have to tap into what you want. The following nine signs are indications that wealth is coming your way.  When you have consistently been aligning your thoughts and actions with the feeling of being rich and manifesting money, you will start to see these signs more frequently.

1. Finding money

If you start to find coins or small amounts of money in unlikely places, maybe it’s in the street as you are walking or in the park, it is a sign of wealth to come. If this is happening to you consistently, no matter how small the amount, it’s like a lucky symbol of abundance on its way. Everytime it happens, feel gratitude for the amount and keep it. It’s a nice idea to store all the coins you find in a special jar, as a reminder to thank the Universe for the abundance of wealth that is coming to you soon.

2. Pay attention to your dreams

When you have dreams that symbolize wealth coming your way, it can often be in the form of a child. That doesn’t mean you are manifesting a baby necessarily! It serves as a symbol of new birth, a baby arriving in dream language, means riches around the corner. A new phase of life.

3. You begin to make small wins

Like in raffles, at bingo or playing the lottery. Perhaps it’s just a fairly insignificant amount, but the sign from the universe is very significant! Your excitement at winning even just a dollar will transmit positive energy and high vibrations into the universe, drawing back to you more winning experiences.

4. You keep coming across great deals

Either for products you have been wishing for or perhaps you find a wonderful vacation deal or a discount sale at your favorite store with the perfect item for you. Whatever is going on, repeatedly getting a good deal or bargain is a sure sign of positive energy around money for you. Thank the universe for the signs and prepare yourself for more where that came from. The universe is showing you how easy it can be to obtain what you want.

5. You see magical numbers everywhere

Angel numbers (repeated number sequences) are a positive wink from the universe that you are headed in the right direction for your dreams to come true. Specific numbers have specific meanings. Did you see a 7 or an 8 variation? Then this is an especially good indicator of financial abundance. So maybe you see 77 or 777 or 888, all lucky number combinations that point to success.

6. Opportunities arise for you

New ideas, innovative people, different options, all of these are a great sign of positive change to come. Take advantage of any new opportunities that come your way, and think of them as positive winks from the universe that your high flying feelings are drawing abundance back into your life. Embracing anything that comes into your experience that is new, exciting and positive is a great way to create more. Perhaps people are offering to buy you lunch, or gift you things, maybe someone wants to work with you in a joint venture. All of it is a great indication of new wealth and happiness.

7. You start to notice how different you feel towards money

Perhaps you see how much less you are worrying and you can feel that you have succeeded in altering your old negative thought patterns, building more positive habits that are sticking. The best thing about that is you begin to let go of your need for manifestations because you have faith and knowing that you are vibrating on the frequency of allowing in the wealth you have asked for. That makes it easier for them to flow into your life.

8. Everything just seems to be in alignment

When you begin to notice small signs of alignment, like parking spaces, green lights, no traffic, no lines at the store etc your attention is drawn to the bigger and bigger examples of alignment. Your communication with people is easy and harmonious, people seem to be happier, life seems to be easier. All these ways in which you notice that life is moving with ease and flow are there as guideposts to show you that you are manifesting life as you wish it to be – and wealth is on its way!

9. You realize your core beliefs about money have changed

You no longer have that sneaky part of you that feels guilty about receiving large sums out of the blue. You know that you create your own reality, and that your persistent thoughts of positive flow and abundance have brought to you a stream of income beyond your wildest dreams. When you actually start to feel like a different person, no longer coming from that state of anxiety and lack – you are literally giving off the vibe of someone else and from that you will create a different life. You are now someone who acts, thinks and feels like a person to whom money comes easily and in large amounts. Believe it and you’ll see it.

If you are noticing any or all of these signs on a regular basis, congratulations!  You are changing your reality with your thoughts, using the Law of Attraction. The universe is eager and excited to communicate back to you evidence of your alignment and wealth is on its way. But remember, the universe is fair to everyone; it is connected to you and everything that is. You are the universe, and you are capable of living the life of your dreams.  You just have to learn how to align your thoughts and feelings with the frequency of the reality you desire. It’s all out there; you just have to let it in!

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